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Ebook gratuit OUT OF THEIR MINDS
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 304 pages
Editeur : Springer-Verlag New York Inc.; Édition : First Edition, First Printing (1 décembre 1995)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0387979921
ISBN-13: 978-0387979922
Dimensions du produit:
17,1 x 2,5 x 24,8 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
1 commentaire client
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1.228.540 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Un panorama de différentes philosophies et expériences qui ont toutes en commun d'avoir contribué à faire de l'informatique ce qu'elle est à l'heure actuelle. À travers les 15 personnages qui sont décrits, on en découvre ou redécouvre d'autres qui ne sont pas l'objet principal du livre à cause des choix de présentation des auteurs mais qui n'en sont pas moins importants(Turing, Hoare, Von Neumann, Chomsky). Un ouvrage très abordable pour les néophytes, à la présentation et au style agréable et dynamique. De l'épistémologie comme j'aurais voulu en avoir en cours : intéressant et sans prétention. (N.B. : épistémologie n'est pas une insulte!)
Dedicated, high-level writings. I have kept this book by my side, and recently just read the chapter of Edsger W. Dijkstra when working on some graph problems, which depicts a three-dimensional figure of this mathematician/computer scientist --- a computer science student.
Let us choose one of these freaks, say Lamport. The man was obsessed with special relativity so he used it as inspiration to order events within distributed systems. Beautiful. Now the question is: What computer scientists do when they go crazy? Well, they develop shortest path algorithms, object-oriented programming paradigms and rigorous methodology to evaluate algorithms (to cite three great inventions in this book). In short, you need to be out of your mind to enjoy such discoveries our just be curious about all these algorithms you may be using right now.
I just finished reading Out of their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists. In short, I liked it. I wouldn't say I liked it as much as, say, Coders at Work, however, I'm glad I read it. What I liked most about it was that it contains biographies from really early computer science pioneers such as Ada Lovelace, John von Neumann, John Backus, and John McCarthy. I know computer history after 1970 really well, but this book contains a lot of stuff from before 1970.I jotted down a few interesting tidbits while I was reading the book. However, since I read the Kindle version of the book, I only have percentages, not page numbers. Anyway, I hope you're as entertained by some of these as I was.John Backus, who lead the team that created Fortran at IBM, flunked out of college [2%]. He had a metal plate installed in his head [3%]. He disliked calculus but liked algebra [3%] (just like me!). These days, Backus is a proponent of functional programming [7%].John von Neumann, who helped establish the fundamentals of computer architecture, thought that creating a programming language (i.e. Fortran) was a waste of time since programming wasn't a big problem [4%].Ada Lovelace, who was the first programmer (not to mention, a girl!), was a gambler, an alcoholic, and a cocaine addict. She died of cancer at the age of 36. She is credited with inventing loops and subroutines [5%].Fortran only had globals. Algol, which is considered an ancestor of C, added locals, thus permitting recursion [6%].McCarthy, who designed Lisp, was born in 1927 to Communist party activists. He had an Irish, Catholic father and a Lithuanian, Jewish mother [8%]. McCarthy is the reason Algol had recursion [11%]. (I didn't know that C got recursion because of Lisp.)Alan Kay, who did pioneering work on object-oriented programming and helped create Smalltalk, got thrown out of school for protesting the Jewish quota [15%].Edsger W. Dijkstra, who did influential work on a lot of early computer science problems such as concurrency, did very well in school and wanted to turn programming into a respectable discipline [21%].Fred Brooks, who wrote "The Mythical Man-Month", wrote this about iterative development, "In 'The Mythical Man-Month' I said build one and throw it away. But that isn't what I say anymore. Now I say, build a minimal thing--get it out in the field and start getting feedback, and then add function to it incrementally. The waterfall model of specify, build, test is just plain wrong for software. The interaction with the user is crucial to developing the specification. You have to develop the specification as you build and test."
This is a fast paced fun read. The book covers 15 scientists of the early to middle ages of computers. No list will satisfy everyone (note some of the reviews who were unhappy with this book). There is no section on Alan Turning, John von Neumann or Woz from Apple (sorry Apple PR machine), although the first two are mentioned at various times.The chapters cover the scientists within four sections: linguists, algorithmists, architects, and sculptors of machine intelligence. Within each chapter is a brief and generally entertaining biography and provide a concise discussion and explanation of some basic concepts that reveal the work that made the individual scientist famous within the field.The reference section is excellent for further research and enlightenment. It is broken down by chapter and is easy to reference.It is a fun read which I have allowed myself twice already.
With a title like this, I had to buy it! Anyhow, this focuses on topics and the history of computer science by dealing with some of the key computer scientists. I expected Turing to be one of them, but they deliberately focused on ones who were still alive and available to be interviewed. This included such notables as John McCarthy (LISP), Alan C. Kay (the Dynabook), Edsger Dijsktra (GO-TOs considered harmful), Donald Knuth (The Art of Computer Programming), and Frederick Brooks (The Mythical Man-Month). I was a bit frustrated at first at what seemed to be annoying inaccuracies (word sizes of 8-32 decimal digits? what about binary?). But overall it seems to cover computer science topics well and delve into difficult ones with some depth, including ones I couldn't figure out!The organization is interesting, beginning with the issue of simply how to program a computer (the development of Fortran and LISP), moving on to the development of algorithms (Dijkstra and Knuth), new computer architectures, and, finally, artificial intelligence.It concludes with two short chapters, strangely titled "Epilogue" and "Postscript." (It seems a little odd to have two such titles at the end of the same book.) The former reviews progress so far, and the latter makes some predictions about the future.